viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Enjoy the summer!

Quisiera despedirme tras un año donde vuestros hijos han trabajado mucho y hemos disfrutado tremendamente las clases de inglés. Quería daros mi recomendación para este verano, además de descansar os invito a que sigáis exponiendo a vuestros hijos al inglés, como siempre contamos con una herramienta muy potente: YOUTUBE y la televisión, así que nos pueden servir de gran ayuda.
Un enorme saludo y feliz verano. "ENJOY THE SUMMER!"

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

Monkey puzzle...

Welcome to the last story of our favourite writer, Julia Donaldson. The course has arrived to the end, and we are going to say goodbye to it with a story about a monkey, that is: "Monkey Puzzle". Enjoy the reading.  

This is the cover of the story and the ISBN if you want to find it:

ISBN: 0333720008

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Do you like....

We are learning short answers like...YES, I DO and NO, I DON'T.
Also, we are studing the FOOD topic, in the class we sung last days this funny song: "Do you like broccoli?"

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Sally and her favourite breakfast

Click on this track and listen what Sally has for breakfast:

Sally's breakfast


We are starting with the FOOD Topic...Here you are some videos about "healthy habits", "at the supermarket" and "how to prepare a birthday cake". Choose one and watch the video:


martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

A Squash and a Squeeze

Hello again! I'm back to school, and I really want to resume the course. The best way to do so, is with a new story of Julia Donaldson. In this case, it is the turn to the story of an Old Lady that used to lived in a very tiny house. Here it comes: "A squash and a squeeze".

This is the cover of the Book, as you can see, we are going to review the Domestic animals that we can find in a FARM.

You can listen the story as many times as you can if you click this link:

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

The Count that loves counting from one to twenty

Refreshing the numbers from 1 to 20. In this case the Count that loves to count, he counts to twenty with the help of these three honkers and their horns. Enjoy it:

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

The smartest giant in town

Here it comes the new story about a Giant who wanted to become the most elegant one in the town. It is another success from our favourite writer: Julia Donaldson, that assures us enjoyment till the end. I posted on this blog the link on youtube, the picture of the cover and the ISBN reference if you want to find it and read it at home.

ISBN: 0333961447

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Peace Day

We want to celebrate the Peace Day singing the "We are the world, we are the children".


Now it's time to start with the new reading: "The Gruffalo", an amazing story of Julia Donaldson.

If you want to by it, this is the ISBN: 0333710924

If you want to listen to the story, click here:


miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

Repaso de las partes de la granja en MURAL.LY

Aquí os dejo la dirección de la plataforma MURALLY, en ella encontraréis la presentación que hemos visto hoy en clase de Inglés titulada "In the Farm".

Old McDonald had a farm

We are learning about domestic animals, those that can live in the FARM. Have a look.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014

Papa, can you get the moon for me?

In Unit Two, we are learning about ths Sky: full moon, crescent moon, stars...etc. This is a beautil story about a girl, Monica, who wanted to get the moon and play with it.

The very busy spider

The whole Second Course is creating a story with our pictures; our intention is to decorate the corridors with them. As we are learning the "farm animals", due to that we have chosen the "TheVery busy Spider" by Eric Carle.

Todo Segundo Curso está creando una historia con dibujos; nuestra intención es decorar los pasillos con ellos. Estamos estudiando los animales de la granja, por eso hemos elegido la historia de Eric Carle: "The Very Busy Spider".

Ben and Holly

You can learn some English watching Ben and Holly episodes. What happens with the magic wand?

Podéis aprender inglés viendo algunos capítulos de Ben y Holly. ¿Qué pasa con la varita mágica?